18 Small Frugal Habits That Add Up Over Time

A Dime Saved
6 min readMar 1, 2024

Financial goals (and probably other goals in life) are achieved through a series of small, simple, connected tasks and habits we do daily. Those little things add up in the end.

The same applies to frugality. Here are examples of simple little things we do add up and make us realize we are losing money.

Image Credit: mimagephotography via Shutterstock.

1. Add Items to a Wish List When Shopping Online

When you see something you want while shopping online, put it on a wish list and leave it there for 48 hours. There is a chance you do not need the item. 985 of people who do so do not go back to buy these items. If you get an email about a sale, delete it immediately and unsubscribe from websites that keep prompting you to buy things you do not need.

2. Use Everything in Your Freezer

Always keep stock of your food items in your freezer and fridge. This prevents you from potentially wasting food as you will take note of the stock that nears expiration and incorporate it into meals. Making a stir fry is one of the best ways to deal with veggies. Breads can be frozen to make bread pudding.

3. Selling What You Do Not Use

Selling an item at a low price here and there can add up eventually, and it…

